
  • Regular Expression
    컴퓨터/language 2006. 5. 12. 15:00
    Table 4-2. Regular expression metacharacter syntax






    Start of line/string



    End of line/string



    Word boundary



    Not a word boundary



    Beginning of entire string



    End of entire string



    End of entire string (except allowable final line terminator)



    Any one character (except line terminator)



    "Character class"; any one character from those listed



    Any one character not from those listed


    Alternation and grouping


    Grouping (capture groups)






    Noncapturing parenthesis



    End of the previous match



    Back-reference to capture group number "n"


    Normal (greedy) multipliers


    Multiplier for "from m to n repetitions"



    Multiplier for "m or more repetitions"



    Multiplier for "exactly m repetitions"



    Multiplier for 0 up to n repetitions



    Multiplier for 0 or more repetitions

    Short for {0,}


    Multiplier for 1 or more repetitions

    Short for {1,}


    Multiplier for 0 or 1 repetitions (i.e, present exactly once, or not at all)

    Short for {0,1}

    Reluctant (non-greedy) multipliers


    Reluctant multiplier for "from m to n repetitions"



    Reluctant multiplier for "m or more repetitions"



    Reluctant multiplier for 0 up to n repetitions



    Reluctant multiplier: 0 or more



    Reluctant multiplier: 1 or more



    Reluctant multiplier: 0 or 1 times


    Possessive (very greedy) multipliers


    Possessive multiplier for "from m to n repetitions"



    Possessive multiplier for "m or more repetitions"



    Possessive multiplier for 0 up to n repetitions



    Possessive multiplier: 0 or more



    Possessive multiplier: 1 or more



    Possessive multiplier: 0 or 1 times


    Escapes and shorthands


    Escape (quote) character: turns most metacharacters off; turns subsequent alphabetic into metacharacters



    Escape (quote) all characters up to \E



    Ends quoting begun with \Q



    Tab character



    Return (carriage return) character



    Newline character



    Form feed



    Character in a word

    Use \w+ for a word;


    A non-word character



    Numeric digit

    Use \d+ for an integer;


    A non-digit character




    Space, tab, etc., as determined by java.lang.Character.isWhitespace( )


    A nonwhitespace character


    Unicode blocks (representative samples)


    A character in the Greek block

    (simple block)


    Any character not in the Greek block



    An uppercase letter

    (simple category)


    A currency symbol


    POSIX-style character classes (defined only for US-ASCII)


    Alphanumeric characters



    Alphabetic characters



    Any ASCII character



    Space and tab characters



    Space characters

    [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]


    Control characters



    Numeric digit characters



    Printable and visible characters (not spaces or control characters)



    Printable characters

    Same as \p{Graph}


    Punctuation characters

    One of !"#$%&'( )*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~


    Lowercase characters



    Uppercase characters



    Hexadecimal digit characters


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